It is not unusual for our team to work under extreme conditions and deadlines. As far as we’re concerned, that’s just part of our job! A heat trace installation project we completed for one of our customers was no different in terms of complexity, and our electricians once again stepped up to the challenge.
The Project
The customer needed to update their infrastructure in order to to keep their employees safe and to stay ahead of their customer’s demand for product due to growth in the auto industry. Douglas Electric was contracted to install heat trace systems on multiple process lines at their facility, as well as provide electrical power for the systems.
The Challenges
The timing for completion was the biggest challenge of this project. The work had to occur within a three-month time-frame, before cooler weather arrived, or our customer’s processes would not have functioned properly (or possibly at all). Adding to the challenge of the tight deadline was the warm weather and the confines of the physical work-space. Our electricians were frequently on their backs in high, very narrow spaces, working just a few inches above their chests.
The Outcome
As is the case with many of OUR PROJECTS, Douglas was one of a team of several contractors and suppliers completing the work. We COLLABORATED with insulating and scaffold contractors, heat trace and power system suppliers, and site safety services staff. By the end of this three-month project, the Douglas team had successfully installed more than two miles of heat trace wire, cables, conduit and cable tray. Our efforts helped our customer to provide the increased supply that was needed by their end customer. We were proud to complete another successful project on time and as expected.